terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012

Revisão 6º ano

Revisao 6º ano 1- Subistitute the words given for a personal pronoun. mother-she my brother- girls- school- Ben and Tom- my father- the window- dad- desks- my sister and I- dogs- my friends- woman- you and the boys- Tamara- pencil- Anna- notebooks- cats- feet- I and Dana- snake- man- Sam- children- 2- Rewrite the sentences: a) I AM Spanish. …………………………………… b) Susan is nice. ……………………………………. c) Jeremy is scared. …………………………………… d) Pablo is good. ……………………………………. e) Peter and you are friendly. …………………………………… 3- Write the correct Personal Pronoun for each word below. a) team b)book c) family d) lollipop e) rose f) girl g) kids h) hands i) farmer j) dog 4- change the sentences. a) the ball is small. b) the rose is red. c) my father is a farmer. d) My mother is thirty. e) asta is a dog. PRONOUN HUNT! Highlight all of the pronouns in the following passage. We went to see the new planetarium at the museum. When we got there, our teacher showed us where to leave our coats and backpacks. A special guide explained the tour to us. I learned many new things. For instance, I didn’t know the solar system was so big. We counted many moons around some of the planets. Toward the end of the tour, the guide invited me to visit the planetarium again. I will definitely come back someday. We collected our things and went back to school. I asked friends to name a favorite planet. Mine is Saturn because of the many rings. The teacher wants us to do reports on the planets. I want to report on the planet Saturn, but so does Toshi. We decided to work together on the report. We want to talk about Titan, one of Saturn’s biggest moons. Titan is interesting to us, because Titan is the biggest moon, bigger than the planet Mercury! List the pronouns you found. What do they all have in common? _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

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