segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012

Revisão para a avaliação do 8º ano

Exercise A) Put the letters in order to find the past tense of the verbs in the box 1. bite …………… 8. keep ……………… 2. blow …………. 9. lose ……………….. 3. break ………… 10. put ……………….. 4. draw …………. 11. ride………………… 5. find ………….. 12. smell …………….. 6. forget ……….. 13. teach ………….. 7. grow ………… 14. throw ……………. B) Complete in the simple past. 1. I _____________(buy) a new car yesterday. 2. I _____________ (catch) a big mouse. 3. You _____________ (be) ill two years ago. 4. I _____________ (read) a nice book. 5. The sun _____________ (appear) yesterday. 6. I _____________ (write) a letter to my brother. 7. I _____________ (tell) you a story. 8. I _____________ (see) my best friend. 9. We _____________ (know) this teacher. 10. They _____________ (swim) in a swimming pool C) Complete the sentences. • Dad ____________ ( work) last Sunday. • We ____________ (play) football after school yesterday. • I ____________ (watch) a goof film last night. • My friend and I ____________ (try) skating for the first time yesterday. • Mary ¬____________ (play) the guitar for an hour this morning. • I ____________ (stay) at my friend’s house last week. • Mary ____________ (go) shopping in Lisbon yesterday. • Ann ____________ (wear) her new jeans on Tuesday. • They ____________ (take) their books to school. • My grandparents ____________ (come) to our house for lunch last Sunday. • Peter ____________ (buy) some souvenirs for his sister. D) 5. Write the negative form of the following sentences. • Carol wrote a letter to her best friend. • __________________________________________________ • She lost her keys in the supermarket. • __________________________________________________ • They went to the beach with her parents. • __________________________________________________ • Mary bought all her books in the bookshop. • __________________________________________________ • The artists sang beautifully in the concert. • __________________________________________________ • He was very anxious about the results of her exam. • __________________________________________________ • Their parents gave them a dog as a birthday present. • __________________________________________________ E) Circle the correct form: I break / broke a cup yesterday. Ann did not play / played tennis this morning. John work / worked last Friday. I didn't know / knew where I was. I didn't feel / felt well last night. Peter didn't see / saw Bill at the party. The train did not arrive / arrives on time Ann didn't come / came to my party. Mary didn't like / likes / liked her teacher. F) Make simple past negative sentences: I played football. .............................................. We spoke Spanish together. .............................................. My uncle taught Mathematics. .............................................. Bill cooked the potatoes. .............................................. I took my brother to the mountains. .............................................. We told our parents everything. .............................................. I wrote to my sister. .............................................. I liked the party. .............................................. We knew her address. ..............................................

terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012

Revisão 7º ano

Conteúdos: Simple Present (Aff. , Neg. and Interrogative forms) Complete the sentences like in the example. Use the long form of the auxiliary. Example: Jane ___________ a book. (not/to read) Answer: Jane does not read a book. 1) Tom ................................. stamps. (not/to collect) 2) You.................................. songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing) 3) Julie ................................. in the garden. (not/to work) 4) I ........................................ at home. (not/to sit) 5) Tina and Kate ................................ the windows. (not/to open) 6) Adam ............................... French. (not/to speak) 7) His sister ...........................lemonade. (not/to like) 8) We...................................... to music. (not/to listen) 9) My father ............................ the car every Saturday. (not/to clean) 10) Johnny and Danny ................................. in the lake. (not/to swim) Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Present in the statements. Example: I _____ in the lake. (to swim) I swim in the lake. 1) We ............................ our dog. (to call) 2) Emma........................ in the lessons. (to dream) 3) They ........................... at birds. (to look) 4) John............................... home from school. (to come) 5) I .................................. my friends. (to meet) 6) He ............................... the laptop. (to repair) 7) Walter and Frank ............................. hello. (to say) 8) The cat ..............................under the tree. (to sit) 9) You .............................. water. (to drink) 10) She ................................ the lunchbox. (to forget) 11) I ................................. a good mark. (to get) 12) Rita .............................. an exercise. (to do) 13) We ................................ the table. (to lay) 14) Tim and Pat................................ text messages. (to send) 15) Oliver................................ fun. (to have) 16) Maria .................................. their room. (to tidy up) 17) He ..................................a new MP3 player. (to buy) 18) The dog ...................................... out of the house. (to run) 19) You ........................................... your glasses. (to need) 20) She ..........................................a snake. (to touch) PRESENT SIMPLE VERBS 1. She ________________ four languages. ( speak ) 2. Jane is a teacher. She _____________ French. ( teach ) 3. When the kettle _______________, will you make some tea? ( boil ) 4. I always _____________ the window at night because it is cold. ( close ) 5. Those shoes________________ too much. ( cost ) 6. The food in Japan is expensive. It _______________ a lot to live there. ( cost ) 7. His job is great because he ______________ a lot of people. ( meet ) 8. He always __________________ his car on Sundays. ( wash ) 9. My watch is broken and it _________________ to be fixed again. ( need ) 10. I _______________ to watch movies. ( love ) 11. I ________________ to the cinema at least once a week. ( go ) 12. They never _____________ tea in the morning. ( drink ) 13. We both _______________ to the radio in the morning. ( listen ) 14. He ________________ a big wedding. ( want ) 15. George _______________ too much so he's getting fat. ( eat ) 16. The earth ______________ round the sun, doesn't it? ( go ) 17. The shops in England _______________ at 9:00 in the morning. ( open) 18. The post office _______________ at 5:30 pm. ( close ) 19. Jackie ________________ two children now. ( has ) 20. Mr. Smith _______________too much. He always____________ a cigarette in his mouth. ( smoke / have) 21. When the phone _______________, please answer it. ( ring)

Revisão 6º ano

Revisao 6º ano 1- Subistitute the words given for a personal pronoun. mother-she my brother- girls- school- Ben and Tom- my father- the window- dad- desks- my sister and I- dogs- my friends- woman- you and the boys- Tamara- pencil- Anna- notebooks- cats- feet- I and Dana- snake- man- Sam- children- 2- Rewrite the sentences: a) I AM Spanish. …………………………………… b) Susan is nice. ……………………………………. c) Jeremy is scared. …………………………………… d) Pablo is good. ……………………………………. e) Peter and you are friendly. …………………………………… 3- Write the correct Personal Pronoun for each word below. a) team b)book c) family d) lollipop e) rose f) girl g) kids h) hands i) farmer j) dog 4- change the sentences. a) the ball is small. b) the rose is red. c) my father is a farmer. d) My mother is thirty. e) asta is a dog. PRONOUN HUNT! Highlight all of the pronouns in the following passage. We went to see the new planetarium at the museum. When we got there, our teacher showed us where to leave our coats and backpacks. A special guide explained the tour to us. I learned many new things. For instance, I didn’t know the solar system was so big. We counted many moons around some of the planets. Toward the end of the tour, the guide invited me to visit the planetarium again. I will definitely come back someday. We collected our things and went back to school. I asked friends to name a favorite planet. Mine is Saturn because of the many rings. The teacher wants us to do reports on the planets. I want to report on the planet Saturn, but so does Toshi. We decided to work together on the report. We want to talk about Titan, one of Saturn’s biggest moons. Titan is interesting to us, because Titan is the biggest moon, bigger than the planet Mercury! List the pronouns you found. What do they all have in common? _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Revisão para o diagnóstico Bimestral do 8º ano

segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011

Boa Noite Galera!!!

Passando aqui rapidão para agradecer a iniciativa da professora Sandra de fazer com que nossos alunos prestassem homenagens a nós professores.
Em cada sala recebi um carinho imenso, cartazes lindos, presentes simples mas que emocionam pelo carinhocom o qual foi dado. Me emocionei bastante com cada palavra que me foi dirigida, mas em algumas salas a emoção foi tanta que quase choro, rsrsrrsrss.
Agradeco a TODAS AS HOMENAGENS PRESTADAS A MIM! Não vou mentir que não esperava receber tantas, já que sou taxado como o professor chato e aquele que nao demonstra sentimentos. Me surpreendi com a criatividade de muitos. Mas os que se destacaram e me deixaram com lágrimas nos olhos foram o 6º ano B, com a paródia feita pelo welisson e pelo dudu, o cartaz que ficou maravilhoso que as meninas fizeram com tanto carinho. 8º ano C, Savina, Lucas e Nirly me emocionaram muito com as paavras sinceras. Mas ... o que mais me emocionou e quase me faz chorar de verdade e quase que nao me seguro, foi o 7º ano C, João e Ariele, as palavras de vocês hoje me fez um bem que vocês não podem imagnar, sei que foram palavras sinceras e transparentes e MUITISSIMO OBRIGADO por vocês terem me dado o espaço para me tornar esse professor especial que vocês me disseram que sou em suas vidas. Fico lisonjeado quando alunos me dirigem essas palavras, pois não quero ser apenas o professor jeová, quero ser o professor JEOVÁ que marcou a vida de muitos alunos com meus conselhos, broncas, meu jeito desajeitado de demonstrar que VOCÊS todos são muito importantes para mim. Cada um de vocês tem um lugar reservado no meu ♥. As broncas dadas, os sermões feitos, as brincadeiras, os sorrisos ... tudo é a minha forma e tentar ser especial para cada um de vocês! Espero que daqui a alguns anos, muitos de vocês lembrem de mim, assim como lembrarei de vocês com muito carinho e amor.
MUITO OBRIGADO por vocês existirem na vida desse professor caçula, mas que ama vocês de uma forma extrema!!!

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Resultado da Votação

Com 57% dos votos, a música vencedora é Love Story da Taylor Swift. Logo após a avaliação mensal faremos um exercicio avaliativo de listening com ela.
Have Fun

terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011

Atenção Alunos!!

A data de entrega do projeto YOU ARE THE SINGER já foi definida!
Atenção para as datas:
6º A e B; 7º A e B: dia 22/06
6º C, 7º C e 8º C: 27/06
8ª A e B: 27/06